A puzzling word tribute to the one you love.
There are hundreds of ways to show your love and as a professional presenter, magician, and enchanted husband I offer these anniversary anagrams to my wife, whom I cherish. Please adapt and share this tribute with the significant person in your life.
an·a·gram (an-uh-gram)
An anagram is a word cipher game where you rearrange the letters of a word or phrase to discover a secret message. And since my wife is a writer, I’ll begin with a literary example: Rearranging “A decimal point” to create “I'm a dot in place.”
Marriage is a journey where you write your own adventures one day at a time, like the pages in a book. Coincidentally “filling a novel” is an anagram for "Falling in love."
From her current mystery novel, one of her characters might say in, "You one valid girl" translates to, "I love you, darling."
And as we pursue our hearts desires, together, I support her with all that I can. Some would say I’m “A dream loan-giver,” which is an anagram for “Love and Marriage.”
We’ve been together for more than a dozen wonderful years and people ask us what is our secret – I call that type of person a “Life admirer” which is our secret anagram for “Married life.”
Some would say, “Hmm! A cavalier,” but that’s just an anagram for “Michael Varma” and I’m “the married man,” which translates to “I'm her darn mate!”
That’s my “Tasteful Toasts” article or “stout fast tales” for the month.
So, when you’re “In Love,” – an anagram for “Live on” – I recommend you continue to do so with passion.
[Many thanks to www.anagramgenius.com for making me look like a genius.]
Your turn: Share your favorite anagram or tasteful tribute to the one you love.

Michael Varma is a freelance writer, award-winning presenter and professional magician. To learn more, visit www.MichaelVarma.com. Contact Michael Varma, the author of Tasteful Toasts, for permission to reprint this article. Copyright September 2011 Magical Concepts.